2024 Reopener

(Last updated: October 12, 2024, please scroll down for the latest updates)
Our new contract (Article 25, Section 5) requires the Federation and District to negotiate faculty compensation for the third year of the contract (July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2025) and the Part-time faculty healthcare (PTHC) pilot program. The new contract also requires that we, the Federation, and the District use a different kind of bargaining known as Interest Based Bargaining (IBB). The Federation’s bargaining team members are Laura Saldarriaga (Chief Negotiator), Troy Moore, John Baranski, Laila Dellapasqua, and Darcie McClelland.
The projected state-funded cost of living adjustment (COLA) for 2024-2025 currently is 1.07%. The California 2024-2025 state budget provided strong financial support for community colleges.
The Federation will update this page when we have new information to share. We will send out general bargaining updates over the El Camino College faculty listerv.
We need everyone to stay informed, engaged, and ready to take action. As we saw with the COLA reopener, member knowledge and engagement is crucial to strong contracts and better working conditions. Please get involved–we have lots of options to suit your interests, skills, and passions. You can get in touch with us at: eccfederation@gmail.com.
In September, the Federation continued to meet with administrators and the state mediator for IBB sessions. We discussed compensation options and the state and ECC budget. As of October 7, 2024, we are at 3.5 months without a pay increase for 2024-2025 and PT faculty still do not have the kind of health care benefit options found at nearby community colleges. We encourage all faculty to write President Thames and the BOT to let them know how important these two reopener items are. Our next IBB session is tentatively scheduled for October 25, 2024.
On August 8, 2024, we met for another IBB session. We discussed compensation options and the state and ECC budget. We are at week 7 without a pay increase for 2024-2025 and PT faculty still do not have the kind of health care benefit options found at nearby community colleges.
As of July 26, 2024, we still do not have any IBB sessions set. Federation bargaining team members filled out Doodle poll on July 15, 2024 with the goal of setting dates. We got an August 8, 2024 date to meet. We are now at day 26 without a pay increase for 2024-2025 and PT faculty still do not have the kind of health care benefit options found at nearby community colleges.
IBB sessions for July 10 and 11, 2024 update. The District cancelled the scheduled July 10 session, but they showed up for the session on July 11. We have met seven times with the District. No agreement has been reached on these two items, which means any increases in our compensation for our third year of the contract will again be delayed. Additionally, the Part-time Faculty healthcare pilot program has not been settled and this means Part-time faculty will be missing an option in their health care choices in the fall.
On June 10, 11, and 15, 2024, we met for 17.5 hours to discuss data, interest, and options related to 2024-2025 compensation and PTHC. In the Interest Based Bargaining (IBB) process, we collectively discuss the respective interests and options with the goal of coming up with consensus solutions together. We hope to move more quickly once the state budget is released.
We are scheduled to return to the IBB table on July 9 and 10.
On May 3, 2024, we met to discuss data, interest, and options related to 2024-2025 compensation and PTHC. No meaningful progress was made towards consensus on solutions for these two items. We have scheduled IBB sessions for June 10, 11, and 14.
On January 26, 2024, the Federation’s bargaining team completed an IBB training with the District and Public Employment Relations Board facilitator. Following the training, we met with the District on January 31, 2024, March 7, 2024, and March 22, 2024, for close to 17 hours, to do IBB for 2024-2025 Compensation (FT and PT) and PTHC.