Union membership
- How do I join the Federation?Simply fill out the membership form on the website.
- How do I know if I am a member of the Federation?If your pay stub has an employee deduction called “AFT,” you are a member.
- Where do my union dues go?About 70% of our dues go to the California Federation of Teachers and the American Federation of Teachers. The remaining 30% go to local expenses such as professional services and maintaining our office. Union Officer stipends come from release time paid for by the District (much like Senate or other special assignment release time), not our dues.
- How do I know if I am a member of the 1388 COPE?If your pay stub has an employee deduction called “AFT COPE,” you are a member.
- How do I join the Federation?
Reemployment Preference List (AKA, the “RPL“)
- What is the Reemployment Preference List (also called the RPL)?The Federation has worked to provide more job security for part-time faculty at El Camino College. We know that many part-time faculty have worked for decades here at ECC and have served our students well. You deserve clear and fair employment preference for your years of commitment to the mission of El Camino College.
Beginning in 2017, the California Education Code required that all colleges have re-employment rights for faculty, including part-time faculty (SB 1379). The Federation negotiated an RPL for part-time faculty (here is the exact RPL language).
- How do I get on the part time Rehire Preference List (also called the RPL)?To get on the RPL, you must teach at least one course (or the equivalent for non-teaching faculty) for at least 7 semesters during the previous 7 years and receive at least two (2) overall satisfactory evaluations during that time period. Here is the RPL language.
- What does it mean to be on the RPL?
If you are on the RPL, you must be offered 2 classes each fall/spring semester before part-time faculty not on the RPL are offered a class. The number of classes is dependent on enrollment numbers and not to exceed 67% load. Once an assignment is offered, you have up to 10 days to notify your dean/supervisor as to whether you accept or reject the class(es). You are able to accept a partial assignment without impacting your standing on the RPL.
- Great, I am on the RPL. Does that apply to winter and summer term appointments? No, the dean/supervisor makes the appointments for winter and summer terms.
- What is the Reemployment Preference List (also called the RPL)?
- How do I get in the part time hiring pool?Contact the specific division or program you want to teach in and see when they are accepting applications next.
- How often am I evaluated?You will be evaluated twice in your first two years of employment as a part time faculty member.
- Do I have a choice in the courses I teach?Those decisions are made by the dean of the division.
- As an adjunct, how does paid flex time work?As per our contract, PT faculty “shall be responsible for the completion of Professional Develop flex time equal to one half hour of professional development activities for each semester unit taught in the fall and spring semesters up to a maximum of three hours per semester.” We recommend that you notify your dean/supervisor of the work you want to do. Upon completion of that work, ask your dean/supervisor for the form to get paid. Importantly, keep a record of the dates and hours and tasks completed.
- As an adjunct, how do I get paid for office hours every semester?You fill out a form that will be available about week 8 and week 16 and will be paid shortly after you have filled out the form. Importantly, keep a record of the date/times you provided office hours (video, email, in person) to students outside of your regularly scheduled class times. We recommend completing your two hours in the first half of the semester.
- How do I get in the part time hiring pool?
How do I receive compensation for fall and spring office hours?
Effective Fall 2023, PT faculty are to be paid for a total of up to three office hours each fall and spring semester. Successful completion of a Formstack form is required to receive payment. This form is sent each semester from the VP of Academic Affairs or your division dean. Please keep a record of your Formstack submission. PT faculty members may receive this compensation as part of their usual pay stub or in the form of a separate check. This stipend will read as “Regular” in the description column of the pay stub. The pay rate is based on the appropriate lecture step from appendix D-1 in the collective bargaining agreement.
Can I be paid for professional development flex time?
PT faculty are eligible to receive compensation for up to three hours of professional development activities each fall and spring semester. The amount of paid professional development time depends on your teaching load. Part-time faculty will be compensated for time equal to one-half (1/2) hour of professional development activities for each semester unit taught in the fall and spring semesters up to a maximum of three (3) hours per semester. The professional development activities should be recorded in Cornerstone. PT faculty members may receive this compensation as part of their usual pay stub or in the form of a separate check. This stipend will read as “Regular” in the description column of the pay stub. The pay rate is according to the appropriate lecture step from appendix D-1 in the collective bargaining agreement.
All part-time faculty, regardless of load, will be paid for 2 hours of Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) professional development. Total compensated professional development beyond these 2 EDI hours depends on your teaching load (see above).
As an adjunct, am I paid for mandatory trainings such as those offered by Keenan?
Yes. We recommend that you notify your dean/supervisor of the work you want to do. Upon completion of that work, ask your dean/supervisor for the form to get paid. Importantly, keep a record of the dates and hours and tasks completed.
- Do I have health insurance?Part-time (PT) faculty can now receive a $75 health stipend each fall and spring semester. This payment is in lieu of full and/or partial healthcare benefits. The District reluctantly agreed to this after 9 months at the table. You must turn in your teaching paperwork (book orders, grades, etc.) on time to be eligible.
- Is there a way for me to get dental and vision?Not yet. The District has opposed expanding coverage to part time faculty.
- How does the semester health care stipend work?PT faculty members must complete administrative duties (i.e. book orders, grades, etc.) to be eligible. PT faculty members may receive this stipend as part of their usual pay stub or in the form of a separate check. This stipend will read as “Regular” in the description column of the pay stub.
- Who should I contact if I have questions about my sick day reports, pay, or pay stubs?The PT payroll specialist is Bryan Kawakami at or x3146.
- Other questions?Drop us a note at
- Do I have health insurance?
- I think my boss violated the contract. What do I do?See the grievance page.
- I am worried that my dean or supervisor wants to write me up in my next evaluation. How can I best defend myself?Do your job. Document your work experiences and interactions with your supervisor. Read the contract and learn about your rights during evaluations.
- I think my boss violated the contract. What do I do?
Student Learning Outcomes (SLOs)
- My dean asked me to do SLO work for one or more of my classes, do I need to do them?Yes.
- My department SLO coordinator asked me to do SLO work for one or more of my classes, do I need to do them?Not until you are assured by the dean that you will be paid for your labor.
- Do I get paid for doing SLO work?Yes, in Article 10 Section 22 of our contract, it reads: “If a Part-Time faculty member is directed by the division dean to coordinate the development and/or compile SLO assessment reports for program SLOs or course SLOs the part- time faculty member will also be compensated at the special rate of pay set forth in Appendix D- 3, Rate II not to exceed five (5) hours.“
- My dean asked me to do SLO work for one or more of my classes, do I need to do them?