In accordance with the Federation’s Constitution, we will be holding officer elections this term. The following positions are up: Executive Vice President, PT Vice President, Treasurer, Chief Grievance Officer, Communications Officer, and Organizing Officer. These are two year terms, with the exception of PT Vice President. The descriptions are below, though if you have questions about a particular position you can contact the Federation. Please send your candidate form and statement to

Election Results

The following candidates were elected to their respective offices during the SP22 election with voting period from 4/18/2022-5/1/2022:

Vice President: Troy Moore

PT VP: Laila Dellapasqua

Treasurer: Ryan Turner

Chief Grievance Officer: John Baranski

Communications Officer: Annette Owens

Organizing Officer: Hong Herrera Thomas

If you are interested in viewing precise results, they can be accessed by clicking through your original ballot link, sent to your email inbox, and clicking on the “View election results” link. If you need assistance, please contact us at


Vice President: Troy Moore

PT VP: Laila Dellapasqua

Treasurer: Ryan Turner

Chief Grievance Officer: John Baranski

Communications Officer: Annette Owens

Organizing Officer: Hong Herrera Thomas

Officer Duties

The duties of the Vice President shall include:
a. Performing all presidential duties in the absence of the President.
b. Carrying out such additional executive and administrative responsibilities on
behalf of the Federation as may be determined by the Executive Board.
c. Acting as co-signer on all financial accounts.
d. Perform monthly reconciliations for all accounts.

The duties of Part-Time Faculty Vice President shall include:
a. Performing all presidential duties in the absence of the President and Executive Vice President.
b. Serving in a liaison capacity as one of the primary communication links representing part-time faculty interests and concerns within the Federation leadership.
c. Carrying out such additional executive and administrative responsibilities on behalf of the Federation as may be determined by the Executive Board.
d. Attend conferences that address part-time related issues.
e. Chair Part-Time Faculty Committee

The duties of the Treasurer shall include:
a. Maintaining the complete financial records of the Federation.
b. Acting as a co-signer on all financial accounts.
c. Depositing all incomes in the name of the Federation and paying all affiliate
PerCaps and paying all expenditures as authorized by the adopted Federation
budget or by action of the Executive Board.
d. Preparing all reports in a timely manner as required by government agencies
as well as the AFT and CFT.
e. Preparing monthly budget reports for the Executive Board.
f. Preparing an annual financial report for the membership following the close of
the Federation’s fiscal year.
g. Calculating and reporting yearly changes in dues (including AFT, CFT, and
LACFL PerCaps, associated insurance policy changes, etc.) to the
membership and district payroll staff by June of each year.
h. Preparing proposed operating budget at least one month prior to the close of
the current Federation fiscal year for consideration and adoption by the
Executive Board.
i. Serving an additional three months as an ex-officio (non-voting) executive
officer (“Past Treasurer”) after the conclusion of the elected term.

The duties of the Chief Grievance officer shall include:
a. Coordinating the enforcement of the contract.
b. Coordinating grievance trainings for new and existing grievance officers who serve our members.
c. Chairing as needed a committee to do the work of contract enforcement.
d. Consulting and informing the Federation Executive Board committee about grievances.

The duties of the Communications officer shall include:
a. Coordinating the work of consistent communications with members through the Federation’s website, digital and paper publications, and social media platforms.
b. Coordinating consistent communications with the campus community and the communities we serve.
c. Chairing, as needed, a committee to do the communications work of the union.
d. Attending meetings and delivering reports as directed by the Executive Board (e.g. BOT, Senate, College Council, COPE, etc.)

The duties of the Organizing officer shall include:
a. Coordinating the outreach and organizing of members and nonmembers.
b. Maintaining the membership rolls of the Federation, including submitting monthly membership updates to the district payroll staff (e.g. addition of new Federation members and removal of members who drop membership or retire).
c. Reporting the faculty unit size to the Treasurer each term.
d. Chairing the organizing committee to do the member organizing and outreach of the union.