Federation E-board resolution in support of students’ right to exercise their constitutional right to peacefully protest without the threat of physical violence (passed unanimously May 7, 2024)

Whereas, the El Camino College Federation of Teachers is a faculty union whose members are educators who seek to teach, support, and uplift students,

Whereas, students and faculty across the nation and world have experienced physical attacks, academic suspensions, and incarceration for their participation in peaceful protests, 

Whereas, our colleges and universities must be places of free and open expression, inquiry, debate, and learning, 

Whereas, we must support the right to nonviolently protest and express political convictions in a democratic society, 

Resolved, that the Federation Executive Board supports the ECC Associated Student Organization resolution and ECC students to exercise their constitutional rights and freedom of expression, 

Resolved, that the Federation Executive Board stands in unity with students and faculty who are exercising their constitutional rights and freedom of expression, and condemns the use of force on nonviolent protests on college and university campuses,

Resolved, the Federation Executive Board demands colleges and universities refrain immediately from further use of force against nonviolent protesters and, instead, to defend the rights of students, faculty, and staff to demonstrate nonviolently. We call upon  university and college administrations and their governance bodies nationwide to exercise every restraint and to encourage dialogue should such nonviolent demonstrations occur on their campuses.