LACCD PT Faculty Have Health Care
AFT 1521 in Los Angeles secures major healthcare settlement
Earlier this week, dozens of leaders and members from AFT Local 1521, the Los Angeles College Faculty Guild, were joined by officials from their college to announce a breakthrough agreement that secures affordable healthcare for over 1,500 part-time faculty at the LACCD.
The agreement was achieved by thousands of CFT members across California, including members of the LA College Faculty Guild, uniting and mobilizing for part-time faculty healthcare and securing $200 million in ongoing funding in the state budget last year.
Under the signed agreement, all adjunct faculty currently working at least 33% of a full-time faculty workload will be eligible to receive the same medical and district premium contribution as full-time faculty. To date this is the largest healthcare settlement for adjunct faculty in California community colleges.
The LA College Guild agreement represents the ninth healthcare agreement in the state following our victory in the state budget, with organizing and progress accelerating in multiple other districts. That includes AFT 6157 in San Jose and Adjunct Faculty United, each of whom rallied this week.
Source: CFT Quick Updates