Campus Equity Week 2022
CAMPUS EQUITY WEEK | October 24-28, 2022
The Federation’s Part-time Faculty Committee annually holds a Campus Equity Week (CEW) to recognize the contributions and working conditions of part-time faculty who make up the majority of instructors at El Camino College. CEW is an opportunity to raise awareness of the unequal working conditions of part-time faculty and how those conditions impact student learning and our goals for community wellness. Perhaps even more importantly, CEW is an opportunity to underscore the inequities, such as healthcare, part-time faculty face. All faculty are welcome to our events!
Be informed and engaged during Campus Equity Week:
More Informed Monday | October 24, 2022
Week-long Virtual Campaign Use these images and virtual backgrounds to change your ECC online profile photos and virtual backgrounds. Show them off throughout this week of education and action.
Unemployment Benefits Workshop 12 PM – 1 PM | Zoom
Stay informed so you are prepared for what to do if you do not have an assignment. Register through Cornerstone and receive flex-credit. Join here. Meeting ID: 861 2307 6533
Tried and True Tuesday | October 25, 2022
Wear Red + Share out on Instagram Post a photograph of yourself wearing red and tag @eccfederation on IG. Then, share one thing about your professional life as an adjunct professor on The Federation’s IG. You will be entered in a gift card drawing. (The winner will be notified by email and the gift card will be mailed to you.)
Public Service Loan Forgiveness Workshop 4PM – 5:30 PM | Zoom
Learn the ins and outs about this loan forgiveness program. Register through Cornerstone and receive flex-credit.
Join here. Meeting ID: 861 2307 6533
Warrior Wellness Wednesday | October 26, 2022
Part-time Faculty Retirement Workshop 1:30 PM – 3 PM | Zoom
This workshop, facilitated by Grace Chee, part-time faculty and Chapter President at West Los Angeles College, provides tips to navigate the CalSTRS benefits and services for part-time educators. Full-time educators are welcome to attend. Join here. Meeting ID: 861 2307 6533
Closing the Food Insecurity Gap 3 PM – 6 PM | ECC Warrior Food Pantry
In recognition of our faculty colleagues and students who experience food insecurity, collaborate with the Warrior Food Pantry to help distribute food and toiletries. Sign up here. Use these answers to complete the sign-up form.
Unable to make it to the Warrior Pantry? Want to help more ? Click here for details on the Refugee Supply Drive.
Thoughtful Thursday | October 27, 2022
Part-time Faculty Healthcare Teach-in 10:30-11:00 AM | The Federation Office Coms 201-D
Receive updates about the new legislation on part-time faculty healthcare. Learn how this state-wide win could expand health care coverage for our campus community. Please RSVP here.
Adjunct Social Hour 11:15 AM-12:15 PM | The Federation Office Coms 201-D
Rest in community and practice self-care by hydrating and nourishing yourself with light refreshments at the Federation office. Please RSVP here.
Finally Friday | October 28, 2022
Find your Federation Flow 8:30 AM – 10:00 AM | The Federation Office Coms 201-D
Were you unable to participate this week because of your schedule? Come by the Federation Office and enjoy some coffee and a donut. We will find your Federation Flow through conversation and community.
Web: ** Instagram: @eccfederation
** Twitter: @eccfederation ** Email: